Beekeeping has become increasing popular in major cities around the country and New York is no exception. More and more roof tops and backyards host beehives and give New Yorkers the pleasure of their own local honey, along with the health benefits it provides.

Beehives thrive in urban areas. With the help of bees, nearby gardens & parks can flourish and residents get access to local honey. Bees - urban and rural – are a key factor in sustaining our food supply.

Why Bees are Important:
• Bees are the most important pollinator of the world's food crops.
• About one third of the food that we consume relies on pollination by bees.
• Bee’s produce delicious honey, a unrefined, natural product. Sweeter and healthier than sugar, honey has less calories.
• Local honey is known to alleviate allergies.

City Bees and Peas Beekeeping Services
• Location inspection & hive site selection
• Bee procurement and hiving
• Hive/Equipment acquisition and assembly
• Hands-on instructions and lessons
• Hive maintenance plans, including guided & on-call assistance.
• Honey extraction services

Keeping honeybees allows you to produce your own, delicious honey, beeswax and propolis. Bees pollinate the plants and flowers in your own garden, and give mother nature a helping hand in parks and community gardens.

Few hobbies are as rewarding as beekeeping. Ask any beekeeper and they'll tell you - the biggest problem with beekeeping is dragging yourself away from your hive! Contact us to set up a consultation.

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